Testing SlideJoy’s App

Hey Folks: It’s time to search for ways to bring in more money. Because of all my health issues, I’d like to do it while conserving the most energy I can. To that end, I’m testing out a new app called SlideJoy. With this app, ads are on your phone when you go to open it.

The best part is that you get paid whether you look at the ads (swipe left) or not (swipe right and open your phone).

Here’s what my earnings look like so far:

Slidejoy 2015-03-02 15-23-30

I’m not exactly sure why the earnings get divided up like they do. So I went on the hunt. Here’s what I found:

1) According to this article, you earn more money if you sign up through Facebook. Wish I knew how much more, and whether it was worth it to give them access to all my friends information. If it’s just a matter of a few cents, then no.

2) Depending on the article you read, the CEO says that people get paid either around $3/month or between $5-15.

3) There’s a 3 month wait period to get your money the first time. After that you get paid monthly.

4) SlideJoy doesn’t work outside the United States.


I’ll keep reporting back so you can trace my earnings along with me. In the meantime, if you want to give it a go yourself, SlideJoy can be downloaded here.

Review: Tweet My Jobs

Hey everybody:

So I’m back looking for work, and it’s not going very well. I’ve had a couple of interviews, but nothing’s really panning out. I know the same thing is going on with a lot of people who stop by my blog, so I thought I’d bend your ear to this new resource today.

Tweetmyjobs.com is pretty awesome so far! I got to upload and edit a resume. And before you groan, I have to tell you, TweetMyJobs has the best resume populator I’ve EVER seen! They actually got 90% of my information put in the right spot from the start. That’s never happened before.

They also seem to have really great inroads somehow. I just applied for a job with RiteAid that I never would have seen on Craigslist, but they tweeted it right to me through one of their channels I’m following. Of course, it also never occurred to me to apply for RiteAid. I think that’s probably another function they fulfill: expanding your brain. Sometimes when the hunt starts to get harsh, folks get tunnel vision.

Anyway, I HIGHLY recommend you hit up this site. Here’s a look at my new resume as an example: http://www.tweetmyjobs.com/resume/lincolnr

What’s In Your Dishsoap?

Hey all:

I’ve been working on getting toxic cleaners out of our house for awhile now, and moving to using green alternatives. I had it almost completely done. Then I hit a snag: some of these natural cleaners require a lot of elbow grease and give a diminishing return. With all of my and Mrs. Linc’s various disabilities, we can’t wear ourselves out cleaning just to be green.

What we need are products that won’t break our bank, actually get things clean, last awhile, and won’t negatively affect our health. Every now and then I’ll write a post reviewing something we use at home. I’ll let you know about the ingredients, how easy it is to use, and whether we’re going to keep it or toss it.

Let’s start with our dishsoap.

We were paying almost $3/bottle for some all natural stuff. Then I was up at the dollar store and got a couple of bottles of Sun with Bleach Alternative. I felt a real difference almost immediately. Our dishes felt a lot cleaner and crud seemed to come off much easier. I am very much pleased with Sun dishsoap. Now, about the ingredients.

Hi! I get stuff really clean and don’t cost much.

Tonight it occurred to me that I don’t know what “with bleach alternative and clean scent” means. At first, I just turned the bottle around to look at the back. Nothing listed. In fact, there was no label at ALL!

Uh-oh! I’m naked back here! No ingredients for you.

Which means it’s time to go to the internet. Apparently lots of people want to know, because the link for the part of the site with ingredient sheets ranks higher than the home page does! Here is the sheet we need:

But we can’t just stop there. I read this through and am still at a loss. What do these words even mean? Let’s try and find out.

Continue reading

Look Inside Umpqua Bank

It’s been awhile since I talked about banks. A couple of weeks ago, I took some pics of the inside lobby of the Umpqua branch I usually bank at. They’re up on Capitol Hill, on Broadway by All Pilgrims Church.

First, they have three wireless stations. I couldn’t take a picture, because all three were in use, and I didn’t want to invade people’s privacy. But you can just come in, sit down, and use the wireless at my bank. I don’t think you have to have an account there to do it either.

And when you stop by the bank, you can have some coffee or tea.

Have a cup!










Then, just a few feet down from the coffee bar is the golden “bat phone”. I don’t know what they really call it. It’s gold color, and you can reach anyone in a department by picking up the receiver and pressing a single button. And I do mean anyone. Seriously. Pressing 8 will connect you to the bank president.

I haven’t tried it yet. Behold the bat phone for yourself:

Call Us!



Really, Call Us!

So that’s a quick look inside my new bank. Coffee, wireless, and their very own bat phone. 🙂 Remember, they also give me chocolate every time I deposit money. What’s not to like?

I know I left Well’s Fargo for moral reasons, but the coolness factor at my bank is also worth it. If you haven’t moved to a new bank yet, I highly recommend Umpqua. If you are worried about not having unlimited access to ATMs, ask yourself: how often you get cash at ATMs? If you’re like me, you get more of your cash back at registers during daily activities.

Seriously. It’s time to realize that money is much more accessible than it used to be. ATMs are not the key to cash anymore: your pin number is. Our money moves faster than we do, and no one should charge us to hold onto it. These are things it’s taken me years to learn, and there’s so much more I don’t understand.

Do yourself a favor. Experiment with your mobility. Open a secondary, online only bank account. Switch to a credit union or local bank. Try something to shake up the idea that “bricks and machines” are vital to financial existence. It’s scary, but worth it.