Internet Racism

Hey everyone:

You know, a lot of folks still believe that the Internet is some sort of utopia. There’s this idea that everything is equal. That no one knows who you are, so no one is hateful, or racist, or anything mean. Well, anyone who’s ever wandered through a comments section, especially on Yahoo, knows this just isn’t so.

On the site Womanist Musings, I saw a video today that puts it into context. Here it is:

Understanding BitTorrent

Okay, I know BT has been around forever, but I’m just starting to use it, so I can’t be the only person on the Internet trying to figure it out. Hence this quick post.

Here’s their video giving us the quick overview:


And for a little extra fun, a T-Mobile/AT&T style mock commercial comparing Bit Torrent download capabilities with ITunes.